PADI Dive Courses

Nitrox Diver


The most popular PADI specialty course. Scuba diving with enriched air nitrox gives you more no decompression time, especially on repetitive scuba dives.


Enriched Air, also known as “nitrox”, is a form of breathing gas that allows divers to extend bottom time and reduce nitrogen loading. It is PADI’s most popular specialty course. PADI Enriched Air Diver Online can be completed in as little as an afternoon. After completing your online learning you’ll apply the knowledge you’ve learned by practicing procedures for obtaining and analyzing enriched air with your PADI Instructor. You also have the option of completing two open water enriched air dives.


You’ll learn why diving with air that has higher oxygen and lower nitrogen content gives you more bottom time, along with enriched air equipment considerations. During a practical session, and two optional (or required) scuba dives, you’ll:

  • Discuss managing oxygen exposure.
  • Practice analyzing oxygen content in your scuba tank.
  • Set your dive computer for diving with enriched air nitrox.

Prerequisites & Requirements

Age Requirement:
12 years or older

Course Prerequisites:
PADI Open Water Diver (or qualifying certification)

Time Commitment:
Approximately 18 hours


Most modern scuba equipment and dive computers can be used with enriched air, but your PADI Instructor will let you know if your gear meets manufacturer recommendations and local requirements. However, scuba tanks must meet oxygen service standards and be dedicated for use with enriched air. You’ll practice using oxygen analyzers and special cylinder decals. Your PADI Dive Center or Resort staff will explain other equipment you may need to enjoy enriched air diving.

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