PADI Dive Courses

Rescue Diver


Learn to prevent and manage problems in the water, and become more confident in your skills as a diver. It’s challenging, yet very rewarding.


The PADI Rescue Diver course teaches you techniques to avoid and manage problems and improve your confidence as a diver. During the course you’ll become a better buddy by enhancing your ability to identify potential problems and by practicing dive emergency protocol. The subject is serious but the training is fun – many divers tell us the PADI Rescue Diver course was their favorite!


The PADI Rescue Diver course prepares you to deal with dive emergencies, minor and major, using a variety of techniques. Through knowledge development and rescue exercises, you learn what to look for and how to respond. During rescue scenarios, you put into practice your knowledge and skills.

Topics include:

  • Self rescue
  • Recognizing and managing stress in other divers
  • Emergency management and equipment
  • Rescuing panicked divers
  • Rescuing unresponsive divers

Prerequisites & Requirements

Age Requirement
12 years or older

Course Prerequisites
Adventure Diver/Junior Adventure Diver (or qualifying certification) with completed Underwater Navigation Dive; EFR Primary and Secondary Care training (or qualifying training) within 24 months

Time Commitment
Approximately 10-12 hours


You’ll use your basic scuba equipment and will need a pocket mask to practice in-water resuscitation. During exercises, you’ll work with an oxygen unit, floats, marker buoys and perhaps CPR mannequins. Your PADI Instructor will explain the equipment that you need and may suggest additional gear, such as your own first aid kit, which will be useful throughout your diving career.

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Jl. Kubu No. 88, Tulamben, Kubu, Kabupaten Karangasem. Bali, Indonesia 80853

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